No Fancy Name
Friday, August 06, 2004
miss kitty fantastico
This is another one of those posts for Buffy aficionados; the rest of you can just shake your heads and think we're weird. It's ok. Anyway, miss kitty fantastico is a great little game. Sure, it's just a little cat (but not just any cat: miss kitty fantastico!) bouncing around trying not to get impaled or otherwise killed by vampire bears, scary ghosts and a whole host of other nasties. MKF must collect items such as extra flamey candles, spell books, balls of string and jelly donuts as she makes her way home to Willow & Tara. The best part of the game is reading the names on the tombstones and mausoleums, to try to remember which episode they came from. I suck at that, so luckily that's not part of the scoring.


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