No Fancy Name
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
things I've learned by using "next blog"
- people can't spell
- people really, really can't spell
- there are a lot of Finnish bloggers
- there are a lot of Argentinean bloggers
- the rEaLLy aNnOYinG uSe oF MiXEd cASe seems to be constrained to Asian bloggers
- sometimes you will see pictures of kids, dogs and flowers
- sometimes you will see pictures of penii and/or breasts
- it only took about 30 clicks to run into a blog I've already read
- i haven't landed on a blog that was in my blogroll
- i've added to my blogroll, after next-blogging

Through next-blogging, I managed to find a really lame attempt at plagiarizing from my books, in the tutorials at Their PHP and MySQL tutorials contain text that's either lifted from my books and slightly modified (in examples, students become employees, etc.), or there are people out there who use the same voice and phrases that I do (only I do it better). People suck.

UPDATE (1/Sep/2004) The person from who wrote the ariticles I mentioned above, has written to me to assure me that he has never read a single one of my books (or Matt Zandstra's book, I assume, from which content is included in TYPMA24 and PMA AiO). Apparently, I have a writing doppelganger, to which I say "good for him" because I write well (so say my publishers when I, the worrisome author say "does this suck?" and they say "books that suck don't sell this much" and I say "neat" and move on) and hopefully he makes money from writing well, too. All I know is that I have never before read something so eerily similar my published content, so much so that my stomach did flip-flips. Doesn't matter, though, because I don't own my content anyway, Pearson and Thompson do. But it sure was creepy.


job / books / new blog

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