workout extravaganza
I hadn't been to the gym in weeks. I kept holding it back as a reward: finish list of things, go to the gym. Unfortunately, my "list of things" never gets shorter. So today, although I haven't finished writing my lessons and I haven't finished editing my chapters (but I did finish everything that was due yesterday, at work), I figured screw it, I'm going to the gym.
This was at 4:15am, and the other reason was that I figured it would wake me up. I was still very tired. After fiddling around checking mail, getting ready for the day, I left the house around 5, shot a few hoops, did a shortened amount of work on the elliptical (weird bottom-of-foot problem), and then did a circuit of the Nautilus machines. I know a lot of people do all legs one day, all arms the other day (or something along those lines), but since I'm in it for tone rather than strength, I always do a full-body weights circut. I always do 4 sets of 12, except for one stupid thing that I suck at: overhead press. I look like a little old woman when I do that one, and I don't know why. Lat pulldowns, rows, chest press, all fine. Overhead press, not so much. I like to make up for looking like a fool on that one, by doing 200lb leg presses. That's one thing I
can do.
Now I'm back home, drinking my coffee, still not really ready for the day.