blogroll analysis
Hugo did an
analysis of his blogroll which got me to thinking about what mine looks like. Very basically, it breaks down like this:
- 24 blogs written by men
- 23 blogs written by women
- 1 fictional blog supposed to be written by a woman but really written by a man (bizgirl)
- 2 group blogs
When it come to categorizing further, initially all I came up with was "they're mostly regular people who write about regular things," which for the most part is true. Since that's lame, the following is the closest I could come to categorizing the blogs I read, and some blogs appear in more than one of these categories below.
- 24 blogs written by academics
- 10 blogs written by people remotely in a technology-related field (academic or otherwise)
- 15 blogs written by people not fitting either of the categories above
- 6 blogs that are often political in nature
I have no idea what this says about me, if anything.