No Fancy Name
Friday, February 25, 2005
friday cat blogging - deuce conquers the aquarium

Deuce is a big fan of the aquarium.

She likes to curl up on top of it on cold days, because the motor for the little pump thing, plus the lightbulb, makes the lid all warm and toasty. Here, she's just in her "Hail, conquering hero!" pose.

She's only tried to get at the fish a few times, and that was just by batting at the glass (lame) because the lid is really tight. The fish never seemed to mind. They were too busy trying to extricate themselves from under a plastic plant.

I have really stupid fish, but they've survived for 3.5 years so I must be doing something right! Or, maybe it's just that cats don't have opposable thumbs, thus the fish are safe.


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