No Fancy Name
Friday, March 25, 2005
friday cat blogging - deuce conquers the aquarium (again)

What cat wouldn't want to hang out all day on top of a fishtank that is warm and contains fishies? She sits up here for hours, and is the only one of any of my cats who ever has done this.

Granted, my other cats lived for eight years without an aquarium, so they didn't necessarily know they were supposed to attack it. I've had the fish longer than I've had Deuce and she seems to have taken a liking to hanging out with them. The fish don't seem any worse for wear, either.

UPDATE: Modulator included the fishies in the Friday Ark, so I figured I'd say something about them. I've had them for almost four years, and they're "fancy goldfish" from Bangkok Aquarium & Pet Supply in San Jose. "Fancy" in this case means "mutant hybrids" because they're not quite red capped orandas and not quite shubunkins and not quite ryukins. They're the mutts of the goldfish world. They've grown quite nicely over the years, and seem pretty happy.


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