still working...
I have reached the stage of transcribing all my reading notes for this essay.
This is an important step, because I don't think I can read my handwriting more than once (when I do the transcription) and it also gives me one last time to get the facts straight in my head.
Then I can write a meaty outline, which my prof can then read and tell me if I'm high or not. I will have the outline done today. I promise myself that.
My next few days:
- transcribe essay notes (Sun)
- write essay outline and give to prof to review (Sun/Mon)
- edit this week's group submission in Strategic Mgmnt class (Sun or Mon)
- take a mid-term in Negotiation & Conflict Resolution class (Mon)
- sit through Business & Society class (Mon)
- write my mid-term essay for AmNovel class (Mon/Tue)
- go to AmNovel class (Tue)
- write my short essay for British/Irish Fiction class (Tue/Wed)
- go to British/Irish Fiction class (Wed)
- check for questions/things to grade in my course (Mon/Tue/Wed...)
- WORK (Mon/Tue/Wed/...)
Hooray for coffee.