BLOG: Deep End Dining
I discovered the
Deep End Dining blog via links at
Slashfood (another beloved blog, by the way). The folks at this blog eat all sorts of crazy stuff and then blog about it. But wait! It's not disgusting
Fear Factor crap described by teenagers or others with a prediliction for using U and 2 and 4 in place of actual words and TyPing In MiXEd CaSE. Oh no. These folks eat the things I wish I had the guts (no pun intended) and money to eat, and write really lovely reports about the occasion.
For instance, parts
one and
two of the "Eat Fugu or Die Tryin'" series (upshot: he did eat it, he did not die, and it sounded really good). A warning, though, for the vegetarians or faint of heart: they do have a series of posts (with pictures) of their experiences with