No Fancy Name
Thursday, January 19, 2006
i am not ashamed to admit that I like Rachael Ray
Yes, the woman has too many shows on Food Network and yes, it is very annoying to say "yum!" to food before you take a bite and most of all (to me) it is extremely annoying to use the acronym "EVOO" and then proceed to define it ("extra virgin olive oil") every stinking time (because what the hell is the point of using the acronym if you do that??) BUT...I like her recipes and her approach to cooking. So there.

I have two of her cookbooks and I can make her 30-minute meals in 30 minutes (although I can see how that would be difficult if there were any other people in the house, such as kids, interrupting the 30-minute cooking rhythm). I also have a subscription to her new magazine, Every Day with Rachael Ray, and I like it quite a bit. One of its best features is the "Cooking with Kids" section, which I highlight here because I know a number of my readers not only have kids but have kids who like to help them in the kitchen. Scrivener, I'm looking at you.

Last night I made a recipe from the "Cooking with Kids" section of the most recent issue: "Rach's Crowd-Pleasing Carrots, Peas, and Cheesy Pasta" and it was good, and quick, and the whole time I was thinking, "gee, this would be fun for [insert names of kids I only know through blogland] to make this with [insert name of parent]." It's a very simple recipe, it's tasty, it's a bunch of stuff out of the fridge/freezer, and it requires no sharp objects.

Because I am lazy and don't want to type, I scanned the page from the magazine. You can download the PDF if you want (245K). There's a part in the recipe about grating an onion, but if you have little kids and don't want them to grate their fingertips into your dinner, I recommend those prepackaged cut-up onions that you can sometimes find in the salad-fixings aisle of your grocery store.

So there you go—quick food, fun food, get the kids involved, minimal prep and minimal cleanup. W00t!



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