i changed the links in my post footer
It used to be that the links in my post footer were: Blogger send-to-friend, add to del.icio.us, Technorati search for links to this post, Google's BlogSearch links to this post. In fact, I even wrote a (now moot)
how-to about it.
It's always bugged me that two of the things were for
me (e.g. see who links to this post), especially when the results were always pretty shabby/didn't match reality, so I've changed the footer links so that they're all of the send somewhere/bookmark somewhere variety.
From left to right:
- Blogger's send-to-friend mechanism
- add to
ma.gnolia- add to
del.icio.us- add to
digg- add to
furl- add to
reddit- add to
simpy- add to
spurlIf you look closely, there's a pattern. It goes like this: standard Blogger thing, thing I like best, common things other people like/use (in alphabetical order). So there you go. Colorful!