checking in
I'm writing this just so
Linda doesn't have a hissy fit...but it's not a real post about the lovely conference or just how much California stinks—and by "stinks" I mean "smells bad for long stretches of road."
I can't blog until I finish some work, and finishing work has been difficult for me the last week or so because the "work" part of my brain has been completely shut down and generally troublesome. So when I break through that little glitch, I'll blog.
Also, yesterday was spent in the orientation/informational meetings for new TAs, and today is a half-day of the same, so there's really no time for the storytelling. But I had fun, despite the burning hot light under which I was standing (a literal one, not a figurative one) while reading my paper very quickly because it was a bit too long and I'm one of those people who actually likes to stick to time limits...unlike one woman who prattled on for a good 15 minutes
over her allotted 20. I hate that.
More later.